KJD Explore

"Ever since I was a child I have been obsessed with animals. I loved books, movies and any photo I could find of animals - especially Orcas.

Now, with a family of my own I decided to follow my dream in becoming a Biologist. I applied to the University of Manitoba and I got accepted. The journey has just begun." - September 2019

I decided to start this blog to share my journey, and to encourage other people to follow their dreams. I am very blessed to have family and friends in my life that support me and my dreams.

I am interested in the adaptive, reproductive, social and "cultural" behaviours in long-living mammals, birds & reptiles.

Over time I have also enjoyed blogging about my vacations, and nature adventures. I have always enjoyed traveling and exploring this beautiful planet - learning and taking photos along the way. So, this blog is now a collaboration of my travels, day trips, research, nature photos, experiences and of course a journal following my journey towards becoming a biologist. It's a little bit of a mix of all my interests and passions. If you decide to read my ramblings bless you and thank you for your support. Have a great day!

Quick Disclaimer

* This blog is meant to educate people on the places I get the privilege to visit in my spare time or with a program/work or school. I am not rich, nor do I get the privilege to travel for a living. I am a wife, mother of two and student in University pursuing my dream of becoming a biologist. The opinions posted on this blog are mine - based off the impression I get visiting a place and based off my personal knowledge on the subject.

* This website is also meant to be used as a personal journey towards my career goals of researching animals for a living - compiled on here to serve as a portfolio of my skills, accomplishments and experience.

Welcome Here

* If you are interested in working with me in any way please do not hesitate to contact me. Note: I have the right to accept or decline any offer.

* I am interested in working with travel companies, Parks Canada, wildlife organizations, wildlife rehabilitation centres, wildlife conservation efforts and research, zoos, universities, biologists, ocean conservancy organizations and more organizations similar to these.

Email: kirstendesorcy21@hotmail.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kjdexplore

Note: My instagram account is private so send me a private message to let me know who you are and what you want. Thank you!